Privact Collection Statement

Simplafy Pty Ltd ACN 658 586 139.

Last updated 10th January 2023.

In the course of your dealings with Simplafy Pty Ltd ("Simplafy","we", "our" or "us") and/oruse of our services (including through our Platform), we may collect personalinformation about you. The types of information we collect depends on thenature of those dealings but, this personal information will generally include(but is not limited to):

·      contact and identification information such asyour name, address, telephone number, email address, gender and age range;

·      information related to your use of our servicesand Platform such as details of your employer and job title;

·      information about your use of our Platform suchas your username, email address, customer number, device ID and details arounduse of the app;

·      other information related to the provision ofour services to you;

·      information about you that is collected as partof any promotional or marketing campaigns, customer surveys; and

·      other information supplied by you or thatSimplafy is otherwise permitted or authorised by law to collect. 

Generally, we will collect your personal information fromyou but from time to time, we may also collect personal information about youfrom third parties such as:

·      your employer or the entity that provides youwith access to our Platform;

·      our service providers and business partners (forexample, data aggregating companies or any third party service providers werefer you to); and

·      from publicly available sources.  

We collect your personal information so that we can provideyou with access to our Platform and use of our services, send you promotionaland marketing communications, such as information about our offers, productsand services, as well as for our general business operations, for relatedpurposes which would be reasonably expected in the circumstances and asotherwise permitted or authorised by law

You can opt out of receiving promotional and marketingcommunications from Simplafy at any time using the unsubscribe facility in ouremail communications, or by contacting us on the details below.

You are notrequired by law to provide us with your personal information. However,if you don't provide us with the personal information that we request, we maynot be able to provide you with the communications, products and services thatyou are after.

We may use and disclose your personal information for theabove purposes and other purposes permitted by law.  The disclosures we make include to our relatedentities and service providers for the abovepurposes.  Generally, these entities arelocated in Australia.

Our Privacy Policy (available on our website at [insert URL of website with linkto privacy policy]) contains information about how you may access orseek correction of the personal information that Simplafy holds about you, howyou can complain to Simplafy if you believe we have breached our obligations,and how we will deal with your complaint. If you would like further information,please contact us at